Stephen DeLoach, DDS, DPC Center For Dental Excellence Dickson, TN

Meet Stephen DeLoach, DDS, DPC

Dr. Deloach began practicing with two goals in mind.

The first: to exhibit the very best in dental care and technology from all over the world. The second: to deliver a special brand of care in a setting that would uphold the core values of family and community that to him meant so much.

Dr. DeLoach is a graduate of the University of Tennessee School of Dentistry.

He began to fulfill this mission by learning how to help those who suffered from pain in their head, neck and jaw joints in Tampa, Florida, at the Dawson Center for Advanced Dental Study.

From there he learned how to incorporate modern lasers and new technologies into daily practice at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies.

He also ventured to Boston for a symposium where the very best and brightest Cosmetic Dentist from all over the world assembled to share ideas. The list goes on, but the purpose of Dr. DeLoach’s dedication was not to receive recognition or rewards. It was to bring this amazing information and technology back to his hometown area.

Dr. Stephen DeLoach has successfully incorporated his skills into his dental practice. He has brought his community the compassion and the service he always wanted.

What Our Patients Say About Us

Improve Your Health & Resistance to Disease With Two Cleanings a Year!

Start your journey to better health with us today. We have $0 cleanings for insured patients & free second opinion consultations. We also have expanded our hours to include evenings in order to fit your busy schedule.


212 E College St
Dickson, TN 37055
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